
Hello amazing hackers, i hope you are doing well today! You are reading part 1 in my mini-series that will cover 2 topics per chapter ranging from beginner to advanced tutorials and resources with an explanation of why they were chosen. This part will consist of the following topics:

The following topics will still follow soon:

Please keep in mind that prices may change depending on the country you are in or when you decide to buy the courses. The prices are accurate at the time of writing in Belgium with no promotions running. (01-07-2021)



Introduction to Linux (Free, +- 12 hours)

This course is endorsed by Linux Torvald himself, the creator of Linux and it's created by the fine folks over at The Linux foundation. It's totally free and probably one of the best investments of your time you can make as it will show you a whole new world of opportunities.

The “Start From Scratch” Linux Course (Free, +- 8 hours)

In this beginner course created by cisco we will learn about the following topics: